Sunday, November 28, 2010


There has been a cold going around in our house and my mom decided to bust out the tinctures:-)

Here is the basic recipe:

~Fill a Pint jar 1/3 of the way full with dried herb(s) of choice
~Add just enough boiling water to cover the herbs
~Fill the rest of the way full of vegetable glycerin
~Put an old wash cloth in the bottom of your crock pot
~Put lids on the jars of herbs and put them in the crock (our crock pot fits three pint jars)
~Fill the crock pot 3/4 of the way full of boiling water
~Put the lid on and set it to the lowest setting and let it steep for 3 days
~Let cool, than strain and squeeze. Compost herbs or throw them away

Store in a cool dark place. Make sure to label them!

One of the things that is nice about using vegetable glycerin is that it gives the tincture a sweetness, which really helps if the herbs you choose are not so tasty. :-)

My signature is not working, I hope that it will again:-(


  1. i hope you all feel better very soon!!


  2. This is a great post and looks so easy to do. Where would I get the vegetable glycerin from? Would I need to go to a health food store? Do you drink the tincture's like a tea? Shalom, Rose
