Thursday, December 10, 2009


This is a blog to document our new club called Torah Keeping Maidens

The reason we (my sister and I) decided to create our own club is because we wanted to join the Girl Scouts. But as we researched it we found that they celebrate x-mas, easter, and other holidays that are not found in the Bible, so we decided that we will make our own club.

Torah Keeping Maidens will learn to be the Keepers of the Home, walk in the ways of Yahweh and follow Yahshua the Messiah.


  1. I was excited to find this blog....! If you need any help with the badges, lmk, I do graphic designing. :)

    Who is we - do I know you by any chance? lol

    Shabbat Shalom!

  2. Shalom Miss Jocely Tzahala~ we are AbbiYah and YahChanna daughters of YahKheena @ Seeking the narrow way blog. Mama says she knows you but not sure if you know her. About the badges our mom and another members mom are doing them now, we are sure they could use some help. We'll let them know. Thanks for the offer and stopping by to say hi.

    AbbiYah & YahChanna
