Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Garden Days

Hi, I am Halea. I just turned 13, and it is my desire to be a Torah Keeping Maiden of Yah! I also did not like being involved with the G.S. so, I am super exited about this club (blog). Thanks for letting me join!

I am waiting for my Keeper of the Home handbook.
So, I thought I would share with you some things I did in the garden...
I like to help my mom work in the garden.
Here we just collected lettuce and strawberries.

This is our growing garden...

We have lots of veggies and herbs planted in the picture above. And below is our corn and more herbs (although some of the seed we just planted, so they haven't sprouted yet.)

I helped my mom plant blueberry and thornless blackberry bushes.

Here is where my mom planted the Mammoth Sunflowers. I put the border in around them.

Then I did the clean up of the old dead leaves and grass.

I want to learn about gardening so that one day I will be able to provide food from my own yard, for my own family.


  1. I enjoyed looking at the pictures!

    I hope it will be a bountiful harvest for your family, and for our family as well!

    Love AbbiYah

  2. Oh, we made a garden this yaer too!
    We planted:
    onions, cauliflower, green beans, tomatoes , squash, zuccini, cucumbers, and sunflowers but you most likely know that already because we blogged about it :-b

    your chaver(friend)
